This girl's world consists of a stoic, black Pug by the name of Wags Mufasa. We live in a home, deemed "loser". If know me, then you know my philosophy:
Before I come to a close, I feel the need to proclaim my heart to better understand my actions:
My eyes view the world through a stimulating collaboration of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical intrinsic senses. Connecting to the senses reveals that ART is in the mind of the beholder. CREATIVITY unlocks the beholder's mind to the imaginable, Yet, it is PASSION which fuels imagination to capture a wondrous, beautiful world. :)
"Beauty, like supreme dominion is but supported by opinion." -Benjamin Franklin
HI, I'm Cassandra!
This girl's world consists of a stoic, black Pug by the name of Wags Mufasa. We live in a home, deemed "loser". If know me, then you know my philosophy:
Apart from the treasure trove of foreclosures and short sales, let us not forget the inanimate "losers" found in trash receptacles, thrift stores, & yard sales. Bring them home to water, feed, clean, and appealing joy will bloom. Best of all, the "losers" just saved you mooooney! That, my friend, is how I like to roll. Beauty from ashes.
Before I come to a close, I feel the need to proclaim my heart to better understand my actions:
My eyes view the world through a stimulating collaboration of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical intrinsic senses. Connecting to the senses reveals that ART is in the mind of the beholder. CREATIVITY unlocks the beholder's mind to the imaginable, Yet, it is PASSION which fuels imagination to capture a wondrous, beautiful world. :)
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